towards human potential, emotional health,

and expansiveness of the soul

. . . from the roots up


Tamara Strijack is the academic dean of the Neufeld Institute, where she develops and delivers courses and workshops supporting parents, teachers, and helping professionals around the world make sense of children through developmental science.

Tamara works as a registered clinical counsellor, parent consultant, and sessional instructor for several universities, where she lectures for both the faculties of education and counselling. She provides emotional health consulting for schools and advises on the development of new programs that foster the social and emotional growth of all students.

She is the co-author of Reclaiming our Students: Why children are more anxious, aggressive, and shut-down than ever and what we can do about it.

Tamara has two daughters and lives on the West Coast of Canada.

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My Offerings


Private Consults

Private consults are available for parents, educators and therapists.

Contact us to set up a private consult.



Webinars and workshops are available on themes related to emotional health.

If you would like to arrange for a presentation or workshop please contact us to explore options.

 Academic Dean of the Neufeld Institute

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For more information about courses offered by the Neufeld Institute:

or for more information about Tamara’s offerings through the Neufeld Institute: