Aggression: what’s behind the behavior & how to help
A child’s behaviour tells us something about their inner world. Drawing on the developmental insights of Dr. Gordon Neufeld, we will explore some of what is behind the challenging behaviours that we see in our students. What’s the emotion behind aggression? What can we do to address aggression at its root instead of getting caught up in the cycle of managing symptoms? This session will explore the emotion behind aggression as well as look to ways we can reduce outbursts in our classrooms.
Reclaiming our Students: Professional Development Series
This educational series will expand the definition of safe schools and provide insights and relationship-based strategies for how we can shift students and classrooms. We will explore the vital role of emotional safety, shed light on what is behind some of the challenging behaviours we see in our classrooms, and look to practices that can help us restore and awaken caring feelings in our students