Soft Landings

I like coasters. But not the hard ones. They have to be made of cork or woven with fabric. They have to have a little softness to them because I don’t like the feel of a glass or mug meeting a hard surface. It rattles me. 

In other words, I need a soft landing for my drink – whether hot or cold. That may sound strange, but I think some of you might feel the same way, you just have never paused to think about it.

As I was reflecting on what I like about coasters, I thought more about my desire for soft landings in general. You see, I’m a bit of a nomad these days (being in-between homes and travelling a lot) and so my desire for a soft landing is pretty strong. 

For me, this cottage in the little town of Żarki, nestled in a hundred acre woods (remind you of anyone?) has been a soft landing place. Where I feel at home the instant I arrive. Where the simplicity of the day, without all my usual responsibilities, allows me to find a more natural rhythm between work, rest and play. Where I can dance in the kitchen or find myself again in the woods. For isn’t that what landing spaces are? A place to get your bearings again: re-orient, re-group, re-nature yourself before taking flight again. 

We can extend this to relationships too. Those we feel safe with, where we feel like we can land. I feel fortunate to have some people like that in my life. Where we can be ourselves and let down our guard for a bit.

So, wherever you are in your life, dear reader – physically, emotionally, spiritually – I wish for you soft landing places amidst the flying lessons. And a good coaster to rest your mug on!


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