tapping into the flow

The river flows

and finds its meaning in the movement

She doesn’t try to be a rock

or a tree or even an ocean.

In the river’s movement,

rocks are shaped,

trees are nourished,

and oceans are filled.

Each has a part -

an interconnectedness …

A contribution to the bigger picture.

Nature has a design.

Sometimes we try so hard

to do it all

to be better … or to be more.

We may try to be

a river and a rock and a tree and an ocean

All at once

…. or all by ourselves.

What would it be like to tap into

the flow of our own design?

What we were meant to be …

our offering to the world?

What would it be like

to recognize the beauty in others -

To appreciate who they are and what they offer,

and to let go of what was never ours

to be in the first place?

What if we slowed down enough 

   to catch up with ourselves?

What if we listened to the wisdom of the river

  and found a way to tap into the flow,

To free up the movement

  … maybe for the first time?


holding space


life on hold